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How much is DaVinci Jeremie worth?

Davinci Jeremie has a net worth of $10 million, despite his portfolio, at its peak, holding more than 3,000 Bitcoins plus other cryptocurrencies. If he’d have sold all 3,000 Bitcoins at the peak of $67,566.83 on November 8, 2021, he would have been worth $202 million. Jeremie documents his life of luxury to the world through Instagram.

Who is DaVinci Jeremie?

Davinci Jeremie is a software developer turned cryptocurrency investor and ‘educator’ who predicted the rise of Bitcoin in his 2013 YouTube video: Buy $1 of Bitcoin. In the video, which now has more than 4 million views, Jeremie said: “For the price of a lottery ticket you can hold Bitcoin for 10 years and become a millionaire.

Does DaVinci Jeremie believe Bitcoin will free humanity from debt slavery?

In his YouTube biography, Jeremie writes: “I believe Bitcoin will free humanity from debt slavery.” What is Davinci Jeremie’s net worth? Davinci Jeremie has a net worth of $10 million, despite his portfolio, at its peak, holding more than 3,000 Bitcoins plus other cryptocurrencies.

How much money does Jeremie make a year?

Cryptocurrency is a high-risk asset that can make a person not only rich but also poor. Most likely, Jeremie earns about $500,000 a year. Trading brings him no more than a quarter of this amount. He receives the rest of his income from advertising integrations, content monetization, and referral programs.

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